Carbabe mukana Dakar rallissa 2022
Tämän kertainen carbabe on Taye Perry, joka otti osaa tämän vuotiseen Dakar ralliin päätyen lopulta kahden viikon ajamisen jälkeen sijalle 19 kokonaistuloksissa. Itseasiassa tämä oli jo kolmas kerta Tayelle ajaa Dakar-rallissa.

Dakar 2022 DONE! 19th overall after a pretty interesting all round 2 weeks of racing… 3rd Dakar for me! …and no matter what happened mechanically, we stuck to our pace and that of the Peugeot. Cyril Despres drove a stellar and consistent drive, and I gave my all and am proud of the job I’ve done in the co-pilot seat – where we do a lot more than navigate.
13 days of racing, +- 8200km, over 43 hours of special stage, navigating to and locating approximately 1400 waypoints (of which we did not miss one single one over the 12 stages!), zero penalties & fines …and don’t even ask how many times I asked to stop so I could pee during liaisons…
A huge thanks to everyone supporting and following the journey. I also need to thank @cyril_despres for asking me to co-pilot for him, and allowing me to let my talents loose again – it has been a great race. Top 20, and another odd woman among the men. We all bring something unique to the game, and anything is possible out there!Thank you so much to all!
And Cyril, his partners, the organisers, the people and sponsors who made the race possible in these crazy times globally. Merci!